Beethoven - Neighbor issues 2

beethoven beethoven250 Jun 25, 2020

Beethoven moved up to 70 times which may shed some light on his popularity as a neighbor. Because writing all his friends all his new addresses had become a chore he told them to "just write - Beethoven, Vienna!" 

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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 09 - Messy Home

beethoven beethoven250 Jun 04, 2020

According to a few accounts Beethoven must have lived in quite a mess - listen to these quotes.

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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 04 - Beethoven arrested!

beethoven beethoven250 Feb 28, 2020

Did you know that Beethoven sometimes looked so scruffy that one time he was mistaken for a vagabond and taken into custody by the police? :)

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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 03 - Haydn

beethoven beethoven250 Feb 20, 2020

After the missed opportunity of studying with Mozart (see previous video) another door opened for the young Ludwig van Beethoven.

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