Mannheim Rocket & other tricks

intermediate tutorial Jan 11, 2024

In this educational exploration, we delve into the intriguing world of the Mannheim rocket, a captivating musical technique that has left a significant mark on classical music. This technique, characterized by its fast ascending arpeggio that launches with the force of a rocket, serves as a testament to the innovative spirit of the Mannheim school, a group of 18th-century composers based in the city of Mannheim, Germany. Their experimental approach to music composition laid the groundwork for many of the classical era's greatest achievements.

The Mannheim school is celebrated for its groundbreaking contributions to music, including the development of a new Sonata form and the standardization of the four-part symphony. Among their inventive 'Mannheim tricks,' the Mannheim rocket stands out for its dramatic and energetic ascent in melody, capturing the imagination of both composers and listeners alike. Other notable techniques include the Mannheim birds, with their chirping effect...

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Alberti Bass - most known accompaniment

beginner tutorial Jan 04, 2024

In this video I am breaking down the pattern visually for you.

It helps you to recognize the Alberti Bass, teaches you how to use this pattern in your improvisation and gives you some technical tipps (better sound!)

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Beethoven - Neighbor issues 2

beethoven beethoven250 Jun 25, 2020

Beethoven moved up to 70 times which may shed some light on his popularity as a neighbor. Because writing all his friends all his new addresses had become a chore he told them to "just write - Beethoven, Vienna!" 

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Beethoven - Neighbor issues 1


Beethoven was not the most handsome neighbor you could think of. In this three-part series we will discover some of his wildest habits that have had neighbors go mad. 

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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 09 - Messy Home

beethoven beethoven250 Jun 04, 2020

According to a few accounts Beethoven must have lived in quite a mess - listen to these quotes.

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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 08 - 6th Symphony

beethoven beethoven 2020 May 21, 2020

Beethoven's 6th Symphony

A breakthrough in programmatic music and a demonstration of Beethoven's love for nature.

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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 07 - deafness


Imagine you're one of the most brilliant composers of all time and at a relatively young age of 27 your hearing gets worse and worse. Your life is built upon the sound of music and now it's taken away from you. What a tragedy!

Beethoven, stubborn as he was, never gave up (despite initial thoughts on suicide) and even completed some of his most outstanding work while being completely deaf. What a genius!

Never give up - and play with passion!

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Franz Schubert - Mourning or Yearning Walz


Op.9 No.2 D365

Beautiful little walz by Franz Schubert which is just absolutely lovely. Enjoy!


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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 06 - breadsoup story

beethoven beethoven 250 fun Mar 12, 2020

Wanna hear a funny story? 

It is said that Beethoven always wanted 10 eggs to his breadsoup on fastday. And when served the raw eggs for his soup he made a fuss and was checking them vigorously. Holding them up against the sun, smelling them, looking for cracks - and if he didn't like them - well - listen to the video :) 


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Ludwig van Beethoven Vlog No. 05 - Patterns

Ioana Ilie demonstrates the simplicity of Beethovens compositions by means of simple patterns.
Have you seen Ioana's class on piano improvisation yet? Go check it out here: Classical Improvisation
To learn more about Ioana Ilie visit her website:
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